Valerian Road - Stage 1 - Second Section

Tassano - Dosso

Italy - Lombardy - Brescia

The second stretch of the first stage of the Valerian Road enters the main villages near Sale Marasino.

Along the entire stretch you will be accompanied by a unique panoramic view!

3.7 Km

Difficulty Easy

How to arrive

You can park on the opposite side of the ring road in “Via Martignago, 2 – Tassano” (click here for the exact coordinates).
The car park is located in a slightly elevated position with respect to the route.

After you’ve parked your car, it’s time to set out on the path. To get on the right path, just go under the ring road viaduct.

Via Valeriana Tassano
Via Valeriana Sentiero Iseo

The way

In this section, the route starts from Tassano and ends in Dosso.
The path you will take is not tiring: among trees, flowers and panoramic views of the lake you will not even feel fatigue!

The first piece begins with a steep descent. This is also the most complicated part of the route since the descent is steep and full of stones which are sometimes not very stable. Just a little more attention is needed to avoid slipping and this descent is easily overcome.

Via Valeriana Maspiano

Once you have passed this piece, you will have practically arrived in Maspiano.
You will realize that you have arrived when you see a small quiet village where you will have the opportunity to stop. Before leaving, I suggest you also visit the small Church of San Giacomo that you meet right in the village.

Along the way you will go deeper and deeper into the village. When you arrive at the intersection in the photo on the left, take the road on the right.

Via Valeriana Maspiano

A few meters further on you will find yourself in front of another intersection. Again take to the right (as shown in the photo opposite).

At this point of the route it is easy to make a mistake and take the wrong path. Always orient yourself with the indications I left you on the gpx track so as not to leave the path.

In the next meters you will walk you will meet the main hamlets. Finally, at the end of the stretch, a last climb awaits you, quite tiring and with pebbles. This climb will lead you to Dosso. I know well that the fatigue is felt at this point, but don’t give up: the end of this stretch is just around the corner.

This is one of the most pleasant stretches of the Valerian Road: the route runs alongside houses and villas and then ends up in small towns after crossing ancient alleys.


The section also crosses the path to the big bench of Sale Marasino.

I advise you to take a small detour. It is one of the benches that I advise you not to miss! I leave you the link to the article here.