Panchine giganti

#171 Verrua Savoia

Italy - Piedmont - Turin

Verrua Savoia‘s Big Bench sits atop an isolated and peaceful hillside.

This Big Bench has appropriated the knoll and made this calm and serene place its home.

160 m

Difficulty Beginner

How to get there

The route is very short and has no parking.

The only solution is to park on the side of the road. It is usually not crowded so you will be able to find parking easily (click here for coordinates).

The route

The route is easy and intuitive.
After parking, you will already see the bench from a distance.

The road consists of a short climb that will take you directly to your destination.

Be careful if it has rained recently because the road may be muddy.

Arriving at the top you will have a chance to admire the Piedmont hills below. The Big Bench is bathed in an air of stillness and peace like few others.

Although this bench has its charms, unfortunately, we were not very lucky during our visit.
At the top of the hill we found remnants of pizza boxes and wine bottles. We hope it was just an isolated case, but we still wanted to report it to you.