Big Bench

#73 Pilzone

Italy - Lombardy - Brescia

The green  Big Bench by Pilzone will give you the most beautiful view over the whole of Lake Iseo.

Absolutely not to be missed is one of the most beautiful giant benches ever!

1.460 m

Difficulty Medium

How to arrive

The parking area does not offer many parking spaces, but having a little luck you can park in “Via Fenice 6, Pilzone” (click here for the coordinates) where there is a public parking lot.
Alternatively you can find a seat nearby. In doing so, remember that the starting point of the route will be the Pilzone square which is located in front of the parking lot that I indicated above.

Panchina Gigante Pilzone Inizio Percorso
Panchina Gigante Pilzone Tratto Asfalto

The way

The route is quite challenging and just under 1.5 km long.

Although there are not many kilometers to travel, you will begin to feel fatigue just before the middle of the route: when the difference in altitude of almost 500 meters begins to be felt!

I recommend that you do not give up, the view you will enjoy as soon as you get to the top is worth every drop of sweat and effort. 😉

The route starts from the town square. From here you will have to take the road that is right in front of you (image above).
After a short climb you will have to turn left where you will see the first indications of the bench.
From this point the road will begin to climb: the first stretch is asphalt (image on the left), while then the one with cobblestones will begin (image below).

Panchina Gigante Pilzone Mulattiera

When you get to the stretch with the pebbles, it means that the time has also come when you start getting serious!

From here begins a mule track that will accompany you along the rest of the route.
As the mule track advances you will enter the most wooded part.

At the end of this uphill stretch there is the church of San Fermo. You will immediately notice the tall bell tower of this small church totally surrounded by greenery.
As you advance slightly you will still see an indication of the Big Bench.
Follow the sign that will lead you to a flat area. In spring this area is full of colorful flowers.

Panchina Gigante Pilzone

And finally, after so much effort, here is the Pilzone bench as promised.

The view is literally one that takes your breath away!
There is nothing left to add but to leave yourself the space to enjoy this spectacular view.

Info & advice

The route has a certain height difference therefore it is strongly not recommended to go on a rainy day or when the stones can be slippery.

Wear comfortable shoes and possibly suitable for trekking.

Behind the bench there is also a refreshment area run by volunteers, but you will not always find it open.