Trekking for family

In search of Rabbit Lake

Italia - Piemonte - Torino

The route passes through a particularly beautiful natural environment characterised by hills, lakes, forests and vineyards. Along the way you will find explanations for young and old that illustrate various geological, natural, cultural and landscape aspects of the area.

6 Km

Difficulty Easy

How to arrive

The route officially starts at the town hall of Montalto Dora, but since there is no parking here, I suggest you park at the “Parking near the church of Sant’Eusebio – Montalto Dora” (click here for the coordinates).

The way

This route is ideal for a Sunday with the family. In addition to being surrounded by greenery, the route offers a number of curious points of interest.
Even the youngest children will be enchanted by the signs along the route, which mention anecdotes and curiosities ranging from nature to geology.

Departing from the town hall of Montalto Dora, a short but demanding ascent begins, allowing you to enter the woods around the lake.
As soon as you reach the fork in the photo on the left, remember to take the right: it is easy to make a mistake at this point.

You will then come to a cobbled section where there are vineyards and even a picnic area (if you want you can also reach this point by car as there is a car park).

From here begins a descent that will take you directly to the lake.
Step by step you will be able to admire this body of water, which you can see little by little between the trees.

I suggest you also take the opportunity to linger and read the signs with the various descriptions along the way. Without realising it, you will be totally captivated by this route and the history that surrounds it!

Past the bridge the surprises continue. To the left you will see a reconstruction of the dwellings present in this area in Neolithic times.

After stopping here, you are ready to continue the route. At this point you are facing a fork in the path (photo on the right). The route has two variants: the shorter variant and the longer variant.
Opting for the short variant, the entire route is 4.6 km long. This is definitely the choice I recommend if you are in the company of children. The long variant is very isolated and the path has narrow sections.
If you want a quieter walk, the short variant is definitely for you!

Depending on your choice, you will then have to go left at the fork for the long variant and right for the short one.

Long variant

If your curiosity has driven you to explore the long variant, then you will soon realise that you are immersed more and more in nature among the trees and plants that surround you.

This part of the road is much wilder and narrower with the presence of stones on the path: be extremely careful!
Along this road you will encounter the ‘Dancing Lands’. This is a curious natural feature of the terrain right under your feet. By jumping slightly, the ground will make you bounce!

I won’t spoil anything and leave it to you to find out why the terrain has this characteristic. 😉

Common path

Regardless of the variant chosen, the path eventually rejoins at the same point.

There is now only a short way to go before we complete the loop and return home.

However, if you still have some energy and other curiosity, I can only suggest that you deviate slightly to go and see the big bench at Montalto Dora.

Just a few more metres, but I assure you it is absolutely worth it.

I leave here the link to discover the route to reach it.