Trekking Multitappa

Wayfarer's Path - Stage 5

Italy - Lombardy - Lecco

From Perledo to Bellano. The fifth stage of the Sentiero del Viandante is as challenging as it is fascinating.
In the first piece you’ll be accompanied by the enchanting lake in the background.
In the final part you will, on the other hand, get to breathe deeply of nature.

5.6 Km

Difficulty Easy

How to get there

To start the trail you can park for free right at the beginning of the trail, exactly in “Via per Vezio – Perledo” (click here for coordinates).

Unfortunately, there are not many places and no other parking spaces can be found nearby, but we are confident that you will not arrive too late and will be able to park without too many problems.

The route

The fifth stage of the Wayfarer’s Path, starts from Vezio (hamlet of Perledo) and arrives in Bellano.

It is a very scenic stage. At the same time it is also very challenging.

Starting from the parking lot you will immediately begin an ascent on a very firm mule track that will immediately make you realize that it’s serious business here! 😅
Fortunately, the climb will, shortly afterwards, become less steep so that the walk will be more pleasant.

After about 1 km you will have reached the village of Perledo. Here the road will take you through the alleys of the village and then back onto the main street where you will share the road for a short distance with cars.

Shortly after you will take a left turn to a street that will lead you toward a cemetery. Be very careful: the section immediately after passing the cemetery is extremely steep and really steep (fortunately the section is paved).

In a short time you will find yourself back on the road that cars also travel. Arriving at this point you will have to walk 500 meters following the road and then turn as soon as you see a chapel overlooking the road.

Here you will find a section immersed in a forest all downhill that will end as soon as you reach a small church. Always keep an eye on the GPX at this point because the next section could be misleading.

Go down the flight of stairs of the church and then return to the road. Do not go deep into the houses, after a short while turn left back into the woods again. From here a long stretch totally immersed in nature awaits you. This is the longest stretch in the wooded part and will accompany you all the way to Bellano.

Concluded this part and arrived in Bellano you will realize that you are back to civilization.
A little more effort and in a very short time you will have reached the end of this exciting fifth stage.

Helpful Information

The stage ends in Bellano and exactly where the Orrido di Bellano is located.

Entrance to the Orrido is for a fee, but if you still have some energy left in your system, we definitely recommend you go in for a visit.
We are sure that you too will be impressed by the beauty of this place.

Stage five of the trail is quite strenuous; we advise against choosing an excessively hot day. The perfect time is spring or summer on days that are not too muggy.

As always, remember to take plenty of water with you.