Trekking for family

Route of health Valbasca

Italy - Lombardy - Como

The Valbasca health route is a peaceful walk that connects the towns of Lipomo and Albate. A stone’s throw from Como: it is a place that offers you freshness on sultry days and the charm of being immersed in nature while remaining a short walk from the city.

1.4 Km

Difficulty Beginner

How to arrive

Park your car at the Lipomo Cemetery (click here for the coordinates).
The parking spaces are all free and numerous, so you won’t have parking problems.

Just after the parking lot you can also find a fountain to fill your water bottle before leaving.

The way

This route is the ideal place for summer days when you need to escape the sultry heat, or simply when you want to get away from the chaos of the city and breathe some fresh, pure air.

The walk proposed by the Valbasca health route is suitable for everyone. The path is about 3 km long (round trip).
Given its short length it is very likely that you will also meet someone jogging.

The way is maintained and well equipped.

It starts from the Lipomo cemetery and after a few meters take the left to enter the wood.

Along the way you will see equipment for practicing sports such as abdominal benches or other bodyweight exercises.

However, the health route is not only this. While walking, you will also come across many people in the company of your four-legged friends!
Just a few meters after the start of the road you will hear several dogs barking in the distance. Nothing to worry about though, because there is a kennel right in the middle of the Valbasca wood.

It is very probable that the people you will meet in the company of a dog are the managers or volunteers of the facility.

As soon as you pass the kennel you will see a small bridge. Leave the bridge on your right to take the road on the left, the one that runs alongside the river. In warmer seasons you may find the river bed dry.

In the last stretch, the route leaves the wood and continues in a stretch with a large green meadow. In this area there is also a play area for children.

A few more meters and you will have reached the end of the health route.
The time has come to take a breath of fresh air and retrace the route in reverse to go home!

Valbasca bosco