Valerian Road - Stage 1 - Sixth Section

Sedergnò - Pisogne

Italy - Lombardy - Brescia

The sixth and last section of the first stage of the Valerian Road will make you discover new villages of Lake Iseo, before entering the heart of the Camonica Valley.

3.7 Km

Difficulty Medium

How to arrive

Starting the route from Serdegnò is practically impossible. The town is in fact accessible only by crossing a stretch of dirt road and there are no parking lots. Not even the nearby Giovine is a good solution since there is no possibility to park here either.

My advice is therefore to start the stage by following it in reverse. Leave from Pisogne to finish the section in Sedergnò.
Park your car in Pisogne where you can find a place in “Via Trobiolo – Pisogne” (click here for the coordinates).

Simbolo via Valeriana

The way

The original route starts from Sedergnò. Keep in mind that if you have decided to do it backwards, as recommended above, the description below instead foresees the departure from Sedergnò and arrives in Pisogne.
In any case, don’t worry: just read the info below and refer to the gpx that I leave you at the bottom to travel this stretch without problems!

The road starts from Sedergnò, a very small village immersed in the woods. Here there is also a small church which you can enter on the days when mass is celebrated.
The path that starts and proceeds from here and up to Govine is a little isolated and crosses the woods.

Continue along the road until you reach Govine. This will be the last little oasis of peace before arriving at your destination, in Pisogne.
Passing by Govine you can admire a small waterfall that crosses the mill still in excellent condition (photo above).

A downhill road will lead you to Pisogne. You will have arrived in the village when you will see the lake not far away. Pisogne is in fact a small town on the long lake Iseo. On the other hand, this is also the last city on the lake.

The route proceeds allowing you to enjoy the beauty of this city. Set aside some time to take a short walk along the lake and, if possible, pay a visit to the Church of Santa Maria Assunta.

Continue along the path that runs along the streets of the city until you reach the Church of Santa Maria della Neve. This is the point of arrival of this sixth stretch, but also of our first stage.

It could not have ended in the best way, if not just a stone’s throw from that lake that you admired so much along the roads that led you up to here.